Basic Turpentine Protocol 2017 - 2023 (english version) PDF download
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The information provided herein should in no way be construed as medical advice, instruction or direction of any kind and does not substitute a visit to a health professional. Every individual is solely responsible for the way they decide to use the information obtained herein.
Turpentine is a product obtained from distilling the resin produced by pine trees.
Utilize always natural vegetable turpentine, distilled from pine tree resin and free of chemicals.
It can occasionally be found under the name “aguarrás.” If so, verify that it is a pure pine resin distillate, and that it does not contain any additional chemical additives of any kind.
Typically, the “aguarrás” (turpentine) used as a diluent is a petroleum distillate, so verify with the merchant and ask for the specifications from the manufacturer.
Please take the time to read this protocol in its entirety several times, as it is very simple and every question you may have after reading it are already answered in it. Therefore, you should dedicate time to it and re-read it every so often. With each read, you can discover new things you missed before. If you still have doubts afterwards, feel free to ask in the groups.